Incense maidal nuts 50g

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Maidal nut incense
Net: 50 ml, glass packaging

Botanical name: Catunaregam spinosa
Other names: mountain pomegranate (mountain pomegranate)

What is maidal nut?

It is the fruit of a plant also called mountain garnet, which grows as a bush or a small tree. It is most common in South Asia. Almost all parts of the plant are used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine.

About the smell of maidal nuts

The smell is light and sweet at first, then becomes heavier and smells like burnt straw, and ends with a warm, earthy smell.


Incense has a relaxing and calming effect. Nuts have the special property of creating a wonderful calming effect when roasted, which is why they are also called dream nuts in South Asia. It is best to use them just before going to bed, as they help to sleep more peacefully, without nightmares.

Method of use

They are used on smoking briquettes, charcoal or mesh over the fire. Before use, grate or crush them into small pieces.

Incenses with which it catches well


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