Hand stone kambaba jasper or rhyolite - lenticular

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Hand stone: Polished kambaba jasper in the shape of a lens

Size: approx. 4.5 x 3 cm

Stone Kambaba jasper
Other names
Rhyolite, kabamba jasper
Color Dark green, brown with black circles and various patterns
Geological and mineral
Jasper kambaba is a biogenic sedimentary fossil that was formed more than a billion years ago. It consists of stromatolites, fossilized colonies of blue-green algae that were among the first organisms to produce oxygen. For this reason, it is also called the stone of life. It is a fairly hard stone: 6.5 - 7 on the Mohs hardness scale. It consists of microcrystalline quartz mass. Admixtures of other minerals such as calcite, dolomite, magnesite and iron oxide give it its characteristic green, brown and black color.
Properties Kambaba helps us find emotional balance, grounds us and helps us stay calm in turbulent times. It is a good stone after a breakup or separation, as it helps us find our peace and move on. Heals heart wounds. Protects against negative forces. It relieves worries, relieves fear and anxiety, and banishes nightmares. It helps us focus on what is important. It helps in the manifestation of goals and desires. It strengthens the sense of self-worth, encourages and inspires. It is a very mystical stone. It is beneficial to wear it at work. It is also a stone of abundance. This stone is cut in the shape of a lens and is also suitable for massage, especially for the face and feet.
Keywords Grounding - Peace - Safety - Intuition - Spirituality - Clairvoyance - Healing - Contentment
Chakras Heart - anahata, root - muladhara
Element Fire
Planet Mars
Astrological Signs Leo, Virgo, Scorpio
Stone cleaning Read about different ways to clean stones on our blog post and choose the method that suits you best. >Important:
Do not use chemicals or detergents for cleaning.
Do not leave the stone in salt water for too long, as this can damage the stone.
After cleaning, fill the stone with positive energy. You can do this by holding it in your hands and imagining that it is surrounded by white light.

Stones are natural, so they vary slightly in color shades, shape and patterns.

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